LUCE Update update
We received the following email from the City this morning outlining the next steps for the LUCE Update. If you are concerned about the changes made by the City Council regarding the Sunny Acres Historical Building and the surrounding property, you must express your concern at the May 31st workshop and subsequent meetings.
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What is happening with the Land Use and Circulation Elements (LUCE) update? While it has been fairly quiet lately, a lot of work is happening on the LUCE. On January 28th, the City Council endorsed a set of changes to evaluate through the environmental review process. This included potential changes to land uses and circulation facilities as well as draft policy changes to the two elements. Now, the consultant team is in the process of developing the environmental impact report (EIR) that will evaluate potential impacts associated with the changes being considered and offer possible ways to address those impacts. The draft EIR is anticipated to be released toward the end of May, 2014. Future Fair 4, May 31st, 1-5 pm, SLO Library To date, the community has been engaged in the Land Use and Circulation Elements Update (LUCE) for the City’s General Plan as part of several community workshops and three previous Future Fair events. Future Fair 4 (on Saturday, May 31, 2014) is a chance to review and discuss the changes that are being proposed as part of the LUCE Update and to get an overview of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Next steps: The next steps in the process include a workshop on May 31st where results of the EIR will be reported out, followed by public hearings in front of the City’s advisory bodies and City Council. Tentative hearing dates are listed below, but check the project website regularly for more information at Tentative Hearing dates for Planning Commission and City Council: June 11 Planning Commission For questions, contact Kim Murry, Community Development, at or by phone at 781-7274. |
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